Sunday, December 4, 2011

Wake up in the morning with a BIG SMILE

Wake up in the morning with a big SMILE...Why? kekeke

#1. Last nite am having fun with Sue at M.Net Live in Malaysia Concert. Actually there were 4 groups perform but it seems like it is a SuperJunior Concert where majority of the audience are Elf (SJ Fanclub). Can't wait for their next SS4 and hope Malaysian will be in the list..(this mean need to saving for the tix).The performance is SUPERB from all but SuperJunior still the best. Love all their song & dance. Best thing is, I can sing along with them. This is the second time Sue watching me being crazy sing along korean song after BEAST Fan meet...

#2. Something weird happen on the way we're going to the concert. But, actually it is a good thing. First time in our trip, our GPS do something good to both of us. Along the way to the concert venue, we are passing by the total of 7 Mosques and it is not a small is a big & beautiful Mosque. the journey that should take around 30 mins become 1 hour to us. It seems like a reminder to both of us that although we're having some fun, we need to remember our so grateful because God still loves us.ALHAMDULILLAH.

#3. After the concert, we're going for supper at PizzaHut that we used to go. We haven't went there for 2 months & surprisingly the waiter there still remember us. We thought they didn't remember us but then the moment we enter into the restaurant they greet us, "hi, long time no see.How you two?" and the guy who taking our order "hi, its nice to meet both of you again. So, what you gonna order tonite?", both of us conclude that they remember us because we ate like a dinosour. Of course because when we go there we will order 2 regular pizzas, 2 mushroom soups and garlic bread and what make us monster is we ate all the pizza.hahhahahahaha

#4. I've got my contact lens today.'s time for me to slowly make over (hahaha..because next year am 26 and I think I need to think bout myself now). end of 2010, I started with resolution of lossing weight and I manage to do and maintain my ideal weight. Now, I want to start with another phase.sound like a crazy n stupid thing to do. the more stupid is now am having a checklist aka wishlist on all the thing that I want to do in 2012.

#5. no number 5. Now, I should take my bath and going out searching for food....hahhahaha

Sunday, November 20, 2011

My November

Why this November make me smile:
Reason #1 : Lee Seung Gi 5th Album
B4 this am not really addicted of buying an artist album. The only artist that I bought an album so far is Malaysian Group KRU. I love their song since their debut day until now. Now, these trio is one of the strong name in Malaysia. Lets talk about Lee Seung Gi. Finally, got to hear him sing again after last time I heard him during My Girlfriend is Gumiho OST. With assistance of Malaysian Airen that I follow thru FB, I manage to get the copy of his album. I love all the song inside this album until me myself not sure which one is my favourite song. I wish he will come to Malaysia one day.

Reason #2 : Mnet Music Live in Malaysia
I got the ticket. Main reason am going is because of SuperJunior. They are my 3rd Fav korean artist after Lee Seung Gi & BEAST. can't wait for the concert.

REASON # 3: Congratulation to my younger sister
on 17th, my younger sister got her UPSR exam result. She got straight A's for all the subject. Am so happy for her and my parent. This is because, the last person who got Straight A's for UPSR in my family is the eldest daughter (it's me). then the other six is just so-so. and Finally, the youngest break the record. Congrtatulation to her.

REASON # 4: Engagement & Wedding
Ooopss...its not me who getting engaged or marriage. Here are the listing of my friend engagement & married schedule. Congratulation to them and wish them all the best with their new phase in life.
(i) My housemate, Syikin = married on 11/11/2011
(ii) My best friend since kindergarden, primary school, Fitri Shafini = will be getting married on 03/12/2011
(iii)My "office twin" (thats what people call us), Adibah  =engange on 10/12/2011.
(iv) My university best friend, Fiera = will get married on 18/12/2011
(v) My classmate during Form 4 & 5, Huzaiman = get married on 13/11/2011
(vi) My schoolmate(kindergarden, primary school) & kampung-mate, Hairi = get married 20/11/2011
that's all under my radar...
and congratulation for my bes friend, Megala for her sister engagement today.

Early November am going back to my hometown. That is the best.hahahhahahaha..Miss my mum cooking and my home sweet home.

Suddenly am feel lazy to type. So, am just stop here.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Life is short...appreciate it before its too late

DEATH... One word but can bring mix feeling. Some people might be scared of the word, some will be sad, some will be happy, some speechless, some only can wish condolence, for some people, the news will shocked them to death...

6PM Yesterday I got call from home and I already prepared for any news. This is because my family & I already set a standard, for a normal calling, either me or my family will call each other between 8 - 9 pm. If my family call me at other time, it means 2 things..either it is bad news or good news. but for yesterday, am 100% confidence it is a bad news because for the last 2 mths, we only talked about my uncle.So, yesterday, the moment I heard my sister voice(crying voice), I already knew the news.My uncle pass away after a long battle with the cancer. AL-FATIHAH. My condolence also to my friend Huyen (Vietnam).For the past 2 mths I also keep updated with her father condition after I read from her blog. Then this morning, I got news that her father pass away.RIP.

For the last 25 yrs, I am loss many people that I love. But the most sad thing ever is when I loss my cousin in 2002. He is the most best cousin that we had. Everyone in our families + non-families love him so much but God loves him more than us. Then a year after that, I loss my grandpa.In 2008, it is the year that we son't want to remember. We lost many family member.we lost our Grandma(she died on my mum bday), my uncle (mum's brother), my cousin grandma(my dad auntie), my cousin(7 days after my dad auntie), other families member... so many death in the same year really hurt our families.

Movie : In Time
Forget about the loss...Am happen to watch new Justin Timberlake's movie, In Time. It is a very good story. We always heard that "Time is precious", "don't waste time" etc. but did we really take it seriously? This movie open our eyes on how precious the time is. Luckily it just in the movie. What if in the real world, everything we do/buy must be paid with time? Am I willing to pay for my cup of coffee with 3 hrs of my life? Am I willing to pay all my bills with my life? If this really happen am sure am no longer exist in this world right now.In the other view, it is nice to know that we only have a certain limit of time and we know when we will died. Well Done to the movie team for such a good movie.

LIFE IS a human being, we just appreciate what we have. Until now I still can't get the answer why human tend to be greedy, hurt others feeling, backstab each other etc. although they know, at the end of the day, those bad thing they do will effect their future.

End of the update....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

What I've learn for the past 25 years of my life

am surprise with myself this 2 days...yesterday morning am doing a crazy thinking and today morning also my mind also force me to have a thinking exercise. why am too eager to b a thinker? question that I ask to myself with no answer. the only answer I can give is, since am wake up early this morning and watch TV , so, my mind also working so hard...hahhahaha

The Value of Family & Friendship
They are the person that will be by our side when the world againts us. They are the best medicine for all the disease. Although sometime they seems not to care our well being, actually deep inside their heart, they still care for us. People always say Love is Blind. that's true.If we love someone, doesn't mean we need to show it publicly. Just by seeing the person we love happy & healthy is enough.
THANK YOU TO MY FAMILIES & FRIENDS who always being there with me for the past 25 years

What You Give, You Get Back
although sometimes it looks like we are waiting for ages, just believe that all the good deeds that we do will be paid. Am curious why people always betray and doing something bad to the others. Why they didn't think of the consequences in the future. If it not back to them, it will affected their families. I also get hurt when people betray my trust and back stab me. sometimes I almost give up with my life principle (what you give you get back), but thanks to those who always there by my side.

Love Doesn't mean we will be together forever
I talk about Love as general here. Eventhough we love people with full of our heart, we need to be prepared for the separation.I love my grandparent, but I need to face the fact that God loves them more.Al-Fatihah to all people that I love but no longer with me now.As for working environment.You love your job very much but then when the times come, you need to leave your love behind in order to advance your career. I love my hometown & my family, but I need to leave them for my future. I love my friend but sometimes I need to let them go when they are going to start a new life.
Life teach me a lot about love. Love is exist and so do the separation. If we are not destined to be together with the person we love, just tell ourselves that we will be receiving another love. Do not give up on love.

You Yourself is the PROBLEM not others
I always told myself this whenever I was caught in trouble. That's why my life is so simple. Today is the solution of yesterday problem. If we blame others for the trouble we got, let think it carefully again. If we keep blame others, the problem will not be solved ASAP. People always think am crazy when I always say "Sorry" for the mistake made by others. Am not doing it bcoz I want to look good / well manner person in front of others but it really my mistake.Everything will be okay if am doing my best.

It is a simple word but people feel difficult to say it. Why? Ego..that the best word. although that person only just a toilet cleaner, we need to say thank you to them. am not sure about other people, but I already get used with the word Thank You until recently when I was live in the condo with my friend. I am not even say 1 thank you word to the condo guard. Why? bcoz they are very annoying.the previous security guard I always smile and thankx to them but the new appointed security guard agency piss me not feel guilty of not saying thank you to them.but to others except that security guard, I'll say thank you

need to stop for now coz am going to go to the supermarket to buy some grocery for the next one week.

----------------------------End of update--------------------------------------------

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Crazy Thinking on my own life and the Treatment

Its been a long time since my last update. nothing much to update since my life is full of love ( here doesn' mean am in love, but I just receiving to much love from my surrounding)

am just back from my department Education Trip @ ClubMed Cherating yesterday. my body so tired. many thing i've tried from Kayak, volleyball, archery, ping pong, squash etc. Night enjoy the movie + the party time.. it looks like am having a lot of fun until I hurt the whole body (my body told me to let it take a rest). But am a bad person. today am having some gonna go to watch the movie "The Three Musketeer". Oh, one more thing, today I also want to window shopping for a new smartphone (actually it not call window shopping since I've got one in my mind)

Ok, let's summarize all the update (since I love to lump sum all the update in one update...hahhaha)

Up and down.sometimes am questioning myself, am I really a good frenz?I love all my BFF but I got some issue here.some of them doesn't know each other (coz, I got BFF from Primary School, Secondary School, University & Working).Hurt one BFF in order to comfort other BFF hurt me very much.when am in that condition I owez questioning myself why am I too close with them. Let they just be a normal friend.but then, I couldn't help myself to close to all of them.

My own solution: Pray to God & read Quran.Everytime when I get hurt/ feel sad towards friendship, I'll back to my not telling the story to them. Its just I will talk to them and asking what are they up to. Thanks to Twitter & FB. as for my mum & dad, I'll call them once in every 3 days.

am I a normal person? the longest time I can get angry or being a bad person is only 5 Mins. after that, the guilty feeling will haunted me and it will go away after I met the person that I feel angry with and talk to them. why some people have grudge and revenge towards each other for a long time and sometimes take a year & worst case for the rest of their life. Is it because am always thinking that life is simple. I get caught in trouble/ big problem today and the moment I wake up tomorrow morning everything will go well. am I too positive inn everything & trusted people so easily eventhough b4 that that people gave me so much pain.

My Own Solution: I owez told myself "nevermind, everything will be ok". I owez believe, if you do good thing you will get reward(although sometimes it is so painful for a long waiting) and if you do bad thing, you will be cursed for the rest of your life.hahahaha...look, how kind I am as a human being(crazy thinking)

Best question ever.But I owez got the best answer. Yeah, I fall in love FAMILY, foods, books, etc. then those who asking will yell at me & told me that's not what they asking for. Actually am already boring with these kind of question. who don't want to be loved and fall in love. It's all about time. When the time come, I will find my true love. for some people it is a crazy thing when I told them, my heart will told me that i am in love & am still waiting for my true love. they will told me don't "jual mahal" or "you must search for it not just waiting".i have my own dream on how my love should be although for the adult it sound like an impossible fairy tale. but for me, "if I believe in myself & my dream, I will have my own fairy tale." who knows, my love story will be a hit or top headline in the world.(again, crazy thinking in the early morning)

My own treatment : Just life the way I am now. when the time come, I hope everyone happy with my love fairy tales because it will make a top headline in the world.hahahhaha...

B4 this I owez have a typical hobby that is reading.hahaha..but for the past 5 mths, am start asking myself, what is my hobby.i got mix hobbies. while reading, I will listening to music. while watching TV, I will surf the Internet.While watching muvie, I will busy texting.while window shopping, I will busy analyze people character.I even create a dialog for them. While observing people around me, I will busy reading the books and try to mix the reading with my observation.while listening to music, my mind also start to think the dance step n sometime without my control, I am dance to the song.when i read about cooking, i want to cook.when am read about animal, i want to have pet etc. (another crazy thinking)

My own treatment:Let's just do everything that we want to do. If feel tired, just stop doing that and daydreaming.hahhahahahha...

Sometimes, when I give up & loss hope in my life, I am prefer to be alone. When am tired of being too positive, I prefer to be alone.When am having to much fun with all my friend & family, I will find a day to be alone. when i want to watch a movie that i want to watch but my friend didn' like it or no one to accompany me, i will juz watch that muvie alone.window shopping or shopping for my own thing, i prefer to be alone.but if my friend want me to accompany them, I will happily join them. Sometime, when people saw me alone by myself, I owez told them, it is not because am not having any friend to hang out with.It just sometimes I need to be alone.

My own treatment: Let people think what they want to think. am still myself and that people still who they are. Unless if they get paid to think about me, I will ask for my royalty. Am not going to make them rich for think about me while am not getting anything...

OMG....already 10am...need to going to watch a movie today. The Three Musketeer...I will update more on my life in another update.hahahhaha

Background Music while typing:
Good Good Time by Koyote
Hello by Huh Gak
Next to you by Chris Brown ft Justin Bieber
Price Tag by Jessie J
Mr Simple by SuperJunior
Ugly + Lonely + I don't care by 2EN1
Berdua Bersatu by Fourteen
Smile by Avril Lavign
Tiga Kata by KRU
Losing My Mind by Lee Seung Gi
Who Say by Selena Gomez
Show Me the Meaning of Being Lonely by BackstreetBoy
I have a Dream + Flying without wing + World of our own + All my Love by Westlife

----------------End of update : 08102011-----------

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Finally, got time to update my blog...why am I so "rajin" to update my blog? because I just want to upload photo. People say, pix can create many story than words...hahhahahha
010711 - BEAST 1st Asian Fan Meeting @ Sunway Lagoon with Sue

020711 - Date with Girlfriend, Megala @ Sunway Pyramid

080711 - With Cik Diba & all BTD Teams @ Bora Ombak Ampang for En Mad Farewell

That's all. Later if I got idea and time, I will type a long story.hehehhehe

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thank You Herbalife

Yesterday, I join the Herbalife event at Ritz Carlton. Here's the picture of the food. Actually beside the main lunch and desert (2 above pix), also got Tuna Salad, Asparagus Soup & Bread n butter. Its not about the food actually.

Nothing to update for my blog. So, just want to express my feeling. Now I can smile. hehehe... although I am not loss that much weight (from 60++ to 55kg), but I can get the body shape that I want. I will make sure that I continue to practice healthy life style.

How I did it? Thanks to Herbalife (although it a bit expensive but the result is also expensive) So, it Win-Win situation. When I first  using this product, the only objective in my mind is losing weight (everyone will think the same thing also). Its true, I lose my weight and get the shape back. But then, a month after that, i change my objective. Its not really about losing weight, but it totally change how I treat my own health.

1. Drink a lot of water.
First reminder by my coach, drink enough water, min 3 L per day. OMG. 1 L almost kill me, so how come I need to drink min 3L per day. but then, that time I just follow (main reason, i don't want to waste the money that i invested). For the first 2 mths, i really hate it. Why? I need to rush to the toilet every 30mins. but then, after 4 mths, my body already get use to it and it back to normal. Now, instead of going to toilet every 30 mins, I will go to toilet 4 times (between 9-5pm). Plus, its a miracle, now I can drink almost 5L of water between 8-7pm.

2. Changes
Skin : Now, my skin is no longer dry. My body got enough water now. Even during the facial, the girl there say that my skin look even better than before and it looks more glow. (Of course there still got pimple but the pimple only break out during my period.)

Life:No more bad mood or tension (still got once in a blue moon. Usually during period due to imbalance hormon...hahhahaha). I can take everything positively. I enjoy with my life and feel energetic the whole day. Before this, it is difficult for me to wake up in the morning, but now, i feel fresh everytime my alarm clock wake me up.

Health: Less headache and backpain.(only happen during period....again, maybe due to imbalance hormon...hahahhaha).

That's all for the update.....

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Song that Answer my question - Goose's Dream by Insooni

This morning I wake up very early just to refresh myself and clear my mind from all the stupid problem. Last post I am posting about the question that I always asked myself. But this morning while listening to my MP3, one of the song attract my attention. First time I heard that song is through KBS Drama Dream High. Then, I started to search for English lyric translation.

I have a dream,
Even if I'm thrown away or ripped to shreds
Deep in my heart
I have a dream as precious as gem

If by chance, without a reason,
Somebody ridicules me behind my back
I should be patient
I would wait just for that day.

As you always worry,
You say that foolish dreams are poisonous.
Just like a book that tells us about the end of the world
There's the reality that we can't turn back already

Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it

One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can't tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let's be together

Yes I have a dream.
I believe in that dream
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate
I can firmly face it

One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can't tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let's be together

Yes I, I have a dream
I believe in that dream.
Please watch over me
Standing in front of that cold wall called fate.
I can firmly face it

One day I will pass over that wall
And be able to fly
As high as the sky
This heavy thing called life can't tie me down
At the end of my life, on the other day that I can smile, let's be together

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Question to myself

Its 3 April already... first of all, Congrats to my youngest sister for her great achievement in Pre-UPSR Exam. She got 5 As. Hope she maintain it till the end. Happy Birthday to Yu, Qun (2/4): my adopt little sister through World Vision. Hope she enjoy her birthday. My condolence to my Housemate (Shikin) for the loss of her grandpa last Wednesday. Hope she will be okay. the way i wish them look likes they will read this. But, nevermind, as I post earlier, this is one of the medium to express my feeling.

Now its April and so far, my life still okay and I still can handle all the difficulties. Sometimes I lose hope over something or feel demotivated but Thanks to my life principle ,"I love Myself very Much". Why that principle help me? that is because If I am not love myself, who else will love me.hahaha...stupid answer...

can't wait for 30/4/2011. I will be going back to my hometown for holiday. Beside that, this is my first time since 2005, I am celebrating my birthday(3/5) with my family. Really miss my family & my hometown. Last I went back was on early december 2010. Although I am happy to go back home, but I am a bit worried. What should I bring back as a token to my parent and my siblings. For sure they will hope I will bring back something for them.(actually, some of them already texting me to buy something for them)

Lately, few questions disrupt my peaceful life. Thanx to the novel that I read and drama/series/movies that I watched for make me do this deep thinking exercise. But, sometimes I need to think because I never plan properly for my future. The only thing I do is, I will live and enjoy my life to the max today and not to think about what will happen are the question that difficult for me to answer. Even the exam question during study time more easier than this.
1. What I want in my life? What I want to achieve?
2. Who I want to be in the next 3 years? Who will be by my side to give a support?
3. Will I be the same person as today in the future? Will the environment change my characteristics?
4. Will I be able to put 100% trust on people as per today? Will I be able to act like nothing happen when I know people backstabbed me as per today?
5. Did I already do the best as a human, daughter, sisters, friend and stranger?
6. Is it okay to be selfish in order to achieve our own dream? (this one is really difficult for me because I am afraid of hurting people feeling especially those that I love. even sometime i told myself those people will understand why am doing that, but deep inside my heart i feel guilty and ends up give up that dreamt because I am afraid people will get hurt)
7. and final question : When will I get married? ...

Is it my strength or my weaknesses when I always put people feeling on top of everything that I will do? Sometime, when i had to hurt their feeling, i really feel guilty and feel useless. but i need to act normal in front of them so that i will look strong and firm with my decision. the only thing i can say is sorry although i know it is not enough. when this situation happen, i will sit inside my room without doing nothing and just think about my action. is it ok or is it hurt these people so much?

now, i feel guilty with my stomach because it already sang a hungry song since 30mins, lunch time.....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Just an update

Its time to update my blog…(sound like I have regular reader who waiting for my update. But nevermind, at least I got some place to let go all the heavy feeling before I start something new)…Summary of this week activities (like doing the weekly report)

1.       Why people change?
While browsing through Facebook (to know any update from all my families & friends), I was shocked with my sister new profile picture. I thought it just she only wants to show the picture but actually it is total change of her. Not because I am that good person but I disappointed with her. I call my mum and told her about her new appearance and my mum shocked also but she accepted it because she already knows this would happen. When I told this to one of my friend, my friend told that I am jealous with my sis because she more beautiful than me. Yes, I admit that she beautiful but I am not jealous of her. But, I have no right to tell her what is good or bad for her because I know,(although she not mentioning it) she didn’t like me. Why? (not because I am proud of myself but it is true) . This is because my parent trusts me more than they trust her. Anyway, I just can pray for her happiness and hope she do well in her life. We are sisters.

2.       Awana Genting
Nice location. We had our Target Setting Discussion at Awana Genting (I already told about it in my previous post). Why I want to story it here? This is because I want to Thanks to Adibah for team up with me doing a sweet thing while in Genting. It is heavy rain outside and the weather was so cold. although our mouth mumbling about the cold weather, but our action is against our mind. We entered SnowWorld. We enjoy our time there around 30 mins.
Other crazy but adventurous thing I do with her is ride the cable car. Yes, this is my first time. Why I said it is crazy and adventurous. It is because, only two of us in the cable car, heavy rain outside and that time is 9:00 PM….So dark. I enjoy it but if next time, there got someone who asked me to ride a cable car at night, I will refuse to do so.

3.       Life
A month from now, I will turn 25 years old and I think instead of grow up, now I feel like I am become younger. Why?  Because as a lady, it is normal. Who want to get older? Hahahaha….
I got a new hobby now…that is analyze people character. Sometimes inside LRT , while everyone busy talk with friend or reading or listening to music, my mind also work so hard to create a dialog for each person. Then I will smile by myself but people will not call me crazy because that time I was using earphone where actually that earphone not connected to either phone, MP3 or walkman. So crazy.

The second thing that will be asked by people (especially older people)… when are you going to get married? Nice question but when I got that question, the only thing I can do is smile. Standard answer from me, “don’t worry, if no next year, the other year you will received my invitation card” and that answer will keep repeating every year.No time to think about that stuff.

Think need to stop now because it already noon and I’ve yet to take my bath and my stomach already sing a rock song…..

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where am I last Weekend?

Place for Makan Durian and Telematch
Last Friday evening until this morning, I was at Thistle Hotel at Port Dickson for our division Family Day. So tired (because I am part of the committee) but I enjoy it when I saw everyone smile and enjoy with their family. So sweet for those who came with family. But for the single staff like myself, we just assume that everyone are my family. Now I miss my family. Other picture will coming soon (If I am not affected by Lazy virus.)

Last Wednesday, while having a long bad day in the office, something make me smile and forget all the problem. I got the letter from the child that I was sponsor through World Vision. Let just say, she is my adopted sister. Her name is Yu Qun and she was a year younger than my youngest sister. Although it is just a simple letter but it make me smile. Since April is around the corner, the next day, I write a letter to her and attached together the Birthday Wish Card to her.

That's all the update for this week. I am sleepy now and really need help. Tomorrow until Wednesday I will out again. This time for my department Target Setting for financial year 2011. Last year we had it at Corus Hotel. This year, it will be conducted at Awana Genting. Tomorrow night, I will go to Genting with Adibah.
Need to stop now because I haven't packed my stuff....but I am sleepy....

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Life Story

Finally I got time to update my blog again. Not because I am lazy to type but it because I have no idea what to type.
First of all, I would like to say my condolence to all the Japanese for what had happen yesterday. Japan was hit by earthquake and Tsunami. When I saw the news in TV, I can’t help my tears to come out and I straight away call my mum just to say Hi. I am a kind of person who will always fall for deep thinking when saw, heard or experience something that attract my attention. The natural disaster that was occurred in Japan yesterday also made me became a thinker. The natural disaster is unexpected and can happen anytime. Sometime I always think what if when this kind of incident happens and I was alone or far away from my family? What if it happens to my family and I was not there with them? Am I mentally and physically prepared to face it?... Just by watching the video from the news make me feel like crying, how does the feeling of the victims. 

Story No.1 : Holiday in Melaka at the end of February (Wani’s wedding)
Actually I can call it one Malaysia Vacation. Me, Yee and Mega represent one Malaysia. Sorry to Wani because three of us steal the attention during the “Akad Nikah” night. We were there with her and sat next to her. Initially, three of us not aware about it until the photographer voice out about 1 Malaysia. It is not completed actually. Fiera (closest friend to Wani compared to three of us) and Leen not there with us. After the Akad Nikah (without eating the meal) , we went to Jonker Street and take our dinbreak(short term for Dinner Breakfast) at about 1 am at McDonald. It remind of our McDonald agreement in 2008 in Perak. A new arrangement has been set where Fiera will be next, followed by Leen, Yee, Mega and finally me.
Thanks to the bride & groom for sponsoring our accommodation. What a nice and luxury villa.
But, I think it is a trademark for those who go for travelling with me. Even, I am not a driver and I am also not the one who gave the direction, it always end up we are loss. What to do, it is just natural and I can’t avoid it. But, it creates more sweet and precious moment.

Story No.2 : Hai Dkny and Luxmi
While typing story number 1, I just remember that this story should come first. But, then I am very lazy to give direction to my mouse, so I just let it be. One afternoon, very shocked got a message from Dkny informing that she was in KL for Technology exhibition at KL Convec. So, I just call Yee and then three of us having lunch together at Kenny Rogers KL Convec. So excited that day. Last time we met was during our convocation in 2009.
Then, 2 weeks after that, I met Luxmi, coursemate aka housemate during internship. That day, me and Yee went to Burger King for our lunch and while passed through Auntie Annie stall, I told Yee that I saw a familiar face and confidently I hold her hand and then it is true, she is Luxmi. We had a short chit chat because she was with her friend.

Story No.3: Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa
Congratulation to the production team for such great movie. I watched the movie on its first day premier at TGV Wangsa Walk with Suliana. Two thumbs up for the movie. The scripts are very good and meaningful especially the scene where Merong Mahawangsa talked to his team about the objective of their mission. I love the Archimedes Principal that was shown by Merong. Although I hope the hero will be alive (at the end of the movie, Merong died) but, I still love the ending. It doesn’t mean that all hero should live longer. Now, waiting for KRU Studio next horror movie…”Karak”

Story No 4: February 2011 is the most hateful month in my life so far
In this month, I felt demotivated a hundred times. My confidence level drops a hundred times. This is first time in my life I am thinking of giving up on my work a number of time per day. This is also first time in my life I am not even trying to comfort myself by being positive and believe in my life policy. I gain 2 kgs due to those things. I really hate this month.  Thanks God, at the end of the month, I got a weekend vacation to Wani’s Wedding with Mega and Yee. But then, 2 weeks after that, I still experience the same thing. Now, I am in recovering phase.

Story No 5: Hasliana getting Married and among her friend, I am the first person she told the date of her wedding (for sure because I need to book for the flight ticket)
Around, 7:10 pm today, I got a message from her telling me to book a ticket and fly back to my hometown in Sarawak at the end of May 2011. Congratulation to her. I’ll look for the available and cheapest flight ticket. I will do my best to attend her wedding I think I should plan a trip to her wedding with Jama, Syidah, Nisa and Hamisa soon. Can’t wait to meet them. Maybe, it will be our reunion.

Suddenly, my finger told me that they are tired. And my brain also told me that it is time to stop. So empty after let go of the uneasy feeling. This is one of the recovering phase methods for everything that happen in story 4.
Will be continued later for another stories……

Background music: no background music because I am typing this while watching TV but I don’t know what I am watching because the only sentence that I saw on TV Screen is, “ Service Unavailable”…

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Once Again Friendship, Loyalty and Faith Touch My Feeling

While Waiting for my favourite show 1 night 2 Days…I just play around with the TV Remote..finally, the movie that was aired in HBO Channel attract my attention. The synopsis is interesting so I decide to watched it. Nice story with nice music background. During the last one hour, I start to look for tissue. So sad and automatically I cry although the characters in the movie not crying. At the end of the movie, it turns out that this movie was based on the true story about a dog named Hachi
Movie Summary
An Akita puppy followed a professor went back to his house. At first, the professor and his family don’t want to take this puppy but then they adopted it as part of their family. The puppy develops a strong relationship with the professor. Every Morning he follows his master to the station ( in the better human word, sent him off to work), then every evening he waited for his master. Everyone at the nearby area amaze with their relationship and it already a norm for them watching that dog waiting for his master. But then, one day, his master died and that the starting point that make me cry (even when typing this I also feel like crying-already cry). Hachi waited for him at the station until the last train but his master never returned. After his master death, the daughter take an ownership to take care of Hachi but then later she let Hachi decide by himself what should he do. It turned out that Hachi went to the station and wait for the master until the last train. Thanks to the neighborhood and the passerby for feed him and look after him. His story becomes popular. For 9 years he waited for his master to returned until he become an old dog but still waiting for his master. (at this moment of time, I feel a bit angry, why don’t anyone bring him to his master grave and showed it to him that his master already died. But then, when I think logically, he just a dog. His not an human that will easily understand all the thing. The only thing he understand is he sent off his master to the station in the morning and he never returned.) During the last moment of Hachi life, he dreamt that he met his master and his master asked him to follow him (this part makes me feel release because finally he died. Not because am happy his dying but I can’t take to cry anymore seeing his suffered waiting for his master to return.)

At the end of the story, I found out that this is based on true story happened in Japan. The Japanese people also installed a statue in front of the Shibuya Station as a symbol of the loyalty of the dog towards its owner.
Hachiko was brought to Tokyo in 1924 by Professor named Hidesamuro Ueno. Every morning, he will sent off his master and wait for him to came home at 4 o’clock everyday. When his master died, he still faithfully waiting for him at the same time everyday with hope that his master will come back and this last for 9 years. Finally he died in 1935. What a great relationship

This story make me thing and started asking myself (another deep thinking activity). How long would people able to wait if their loved one didn’t come back one day? One thing for sure, as a normal human being, people will think that that person probably run away from them. After watched the movie, I straight away called my home and told them that I miss home. Then I started to think about my friend and how much I miss all of them.
Can I be this loyal and faithful? Hachi just a dog and his doing great job as man best friend. And I am a human and know how to think. But, up to this time, I am still loyal with all people that I care of. Thanks Hachi for such an inspiring character.

After one hour crying (no tissue so I use towel to wipe off my tears-luckily watched the movie alone), its time for me to have a light entertainment. My favourite show was on the air. This time the episode is the second part of the Foreign worker special. So sweet seeing all the MC take care their new friend and concerned about their religion and customs. If Hachiko movie shared about the loved between human and animal, this show shared how unique the thing called friendship. Only those who believed and understand the rules of friendship will experienced the happy moment. They didn’t even know each other + come from different country with different language + different religion & belief but still they manage to get along together. So sweet.
That is not the thing that I want to highlight here. This show causes me to think about curry chicken. I think, the last time I ate curry chicken was early December 2010 when I went off for holiday in my hometown. Miss curry chicken. After the show finished, I checked my kitchen. There got chicken in the fridge, they got curry, got coconut milk, and all the ingredient for the chicken curry are available there except the potato. But, its not a big deal since potato is just an additional. So, my Saturday lunch will be a chicken curry. Hehehehe.

Think, should stop here coz as I said, I love myself very much and my fingers already told me its already tired. Thanks to my typing partner for today. OST From the Movie Hachiko. That make me more sad.

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Sometime I enjoy being lonely. Yesterday, I purposely being lonely and not plan anything for my weekend. So, in order to kill time, I’m doing my favourite activity that is watching people and make a conclusion based on the situation. So, after settled all the morning activities, I went out.

On the way to LRT Station
Scene: Shoppers busy opening their shop while talking to their shop neighbor. The passer by just look at them and sometimes they exchange smiles and say hi like they already known for a long time. If they already become friend, they will stop for a while and have a brief chit chat session. Actually, 90% of them didn’t know each other. The only connection between them is they always saw each other everyday and 90% of the passer by live at that area. After almost 2 years living in this area, I also knew 25% of these people name but for the rest we still have can smile to each other and say hi. I still remember last December when I went back to my hometown for a week. A week after that, while on the way back to my condo, some of them asked me, “Hi, long time no see. Where are you going? How are you?” I am so surprise. I just only smile to them but then they still care for me. Same thing when I want to buy some food from the nearby café. They already know what I will buy (always order the same) although I’m just drop by sometime once in two months
My conclusion: Relationship is unique. It naturally develops inside everybody.

LRT Station: While waiting for LRT
Scene: Although people always busy and sometimes they look like arrogant or selfish, but there still got at least 1% of humanity characteristics. One Chinese guy looks busy reading the documents and at the same time talking to the phone and he walks so fast. About 1 meter in front him, there was an old Malay lady tiredly carries the luggage on the right hand and holds her grandson. Surprisingly, that guy went to her and offers his helps to carry the luggage. Don’t think I’m not willing to help that lady. At that time, I’m not even reached the Touch & Go scanner yet.
My conclusion:
-          First Impression is important but then don’t simply jump to conclusion based on the first impression.
-          When it comes to help each other, race, religion and difference is not a boundary.

Inside LRT
Scene 1: When stop at Setiawangsa station, one pregnant lady board into the train and also they got young couple and group of primary school kid (I think). The young couple got the seat leaving the preggy lady standing. I can’t offer my seat to her because that times I also standing. Really upset with the stupid couple especially the guy. There got a notice “this seat for pregnant ladies, old people & … “Proud with these school kid. One of them approaches the guy and asked him to give the seat to the lady. But, that guy talked back to him and told him, he already has the seat first and his GF just laugh together with him. It ends up, one old man (he’s blind) stand up and offer the seat to the lady. As a token of appreciation, these kid offer their help holding that man hand in order to keep him balance while standing.
My conclusion: Sometime couple didn’t understand the true meaning of love. The only definition of love they know is “I love u, u love me” and those love only for BF & GF.

Scene 2: When the train stops at KLCC, there were a group of Chinese family boarding but then they were in trouble. None of them can speak English. They look around them which I think they look for Chinese people. Unfortunately there’s no Chinese person there. The father(I think) reach these school kid and write show something to them in hope they can help. But, one of the kids says in English, he didn’t know the place. Since sometimes I love to give direction to people, I offer my help. They gave me the place name (Muzium Negara). Then I make a hand communication to them told them to follow me because I will stop at KL Central and Muzium Negara is near to KL Central. They just nod their head. So, when we reach KL Central, the first thing I do is bring them to Muzium without asking them to take taxi. Although it takes around 15mins walking but then it is save than taking a taxi that will charge them. I still say sorry to them for asking them to walk but then from their reaction, they are not angry with me. ( I understand some Chinese but do not know how to respond back in Chinese. Thanks to my Chinese friend especiall my BFF Yee Chiea Chai). I even showed them the way to Planetarium Negara. Looks like I’m their tourist guide. After say thank you, I leave them having their sweet time at the muzium.

My conclusion: if we are really wanted to help people, language differences are not the barrier. If both not understand each other language, just showed it through action.

This is the nice spot to observe people behavior. I just find one place to sit and start my activity (of course I bring book together with me to avoid people think that I’m crazy sitting there without doing anything.
Scene 1: @ KFC. There are a group of middle age man having a chit chat session. They really close to each other and have a very sweet & nice chit chat. Why they attract my attention? This is because they are from different races and one of them sitting on the wheelchair. They remind me of my friendship.
Conclusion: If you really sincere in friendship, your friendship will last forever.

Scene 2: Departure Hall KLIA Express
Family – The husband keep asking his wife to walk faster while at the same time his wife busy with two kids asking for something. The wife still at the pass scanner whiles the husband already at the escalator and keeps shouting at his wife to be faster.
Couple/ newly married (not sure)  – holding hand and smilingly walk towards the ticket counter.
Old couple – wave towards their daughter/ granddaughter (not sure their relationship with the lady). Then, the hubby told something to his wife and wipes the tears.
One guy (not sure either he’s single or already married) – talk with the phone and sometimes laugh.
One single lady – sit quietly at one of the seat while reading book. That’s me. Hahahhahaha

Conclusion: single or to have a life partner?  As long as you know the true meaning of family and love, everything will be okay.

The departure hall scenes lead me to the second activity that is deep thinking about my life. Sometime I prefer to be alone but sometimes I love to be with friend (That is sometime difficult to spend time with them due to their dating with their partner).

The deep thinking title of the day: LOVE
Everyone connect through love. Love is universal and not only specific to BF GF relationship. Love can lead to good thing and sometimes it can lead to bad thing. But for me, love is unique.
My definition of love is simple. Love myself first. This is because I believe once I already have 100% love towards myself, only then I will be able to love my God, religion, Families, Friends, Animals, Natures and everyone/everything around me.
My love story in term of BF GF Relationship? I’m not yet started a chapter on it yet. When I told people I want to have a BF, I’m not seriously meant it. It just a sentence in order to join the chit chat with my them. I never think about having a boyfriend at this time. Don’t asked me why because I haven’t have the answer for that. If people told that I’m afraid of having that kind of relationship, I admit it because 60% of me afraid of fall in love. This is due to some love failure experience (broke up, divorce, not meant to be together, died of the lovers)  of my friend and some families. All these stuff make me afraid. Since now, I’m happy with my life now, just enjoy my life. But then, sometimes it looks like I’m the love doctor. My friend always come to me with their love problem and asked my view. Although no experience in love, but I do my best to help them. Source of references…… I love reading. So, I just remember anything from my reading that related to their problem.hahahhahaha….

Need to stop now coz my finger told me they are already tired. Hahahahahhahaha… Since I love them, I need to stop now.
Thanks to my typing partner:
-          Song by Anuar Zain : Sedetik Lebih
-          Song by Justin Bieber : Pray
-          Song by 2 AM : Confession of a Friend
-          Song from Korean Series : Dream High
-          Piano music from Jay Chou Movie : Secret
-          Song by Bravo All Star : Let the Music Heal Your Soul

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Type of Feeling that I experienced for the past 24 years

While view the picture of my friend in Facebook, I thought about understand my own feeling and how I deal with it. Such a crazy thinking but I love it. At least I know that I have a feeling.

Type of feeling: Useless & Stupid
When I failed to do something and make people disappoint, that is the time I feel so useless and stupid. Beside that, I will feel useless when people not believe my ability to perform. Actually before entering into working life, I never experience this feeling. This feeling start appear in the list 5 months after I started working.
Solution: Sit quietly and think. After a few minutes, I will listen to music and do some random reading in the Internet until I feel better. The longest time for me to experience this feeling is only 1 hour.

Type of feeling: de-motivated
Like feel like useless, this feeling also started when I started working. I feel de-motivated when people not believe in my capability. I will feel de-motivated when people only recognized me during problem (reason: these people need someone to be blamed). I feel even more de-motivated when people not share or inform me any information /knowledge that related to my work. At the end of the day, when problem arise and it involved me, sometime I need to act stupid just to save people image by telling the person who asking me “ maybe they inform me but I take it for granted”… Its too tired to be like a stupid person.
Solution: Sit quietly and think. After a few minutes, I will listen to music and do some random reading in the Internet until I feel better. Then told myself, why I should hurt my feeling because of these people. I should enjoy my life. Maximum time I can be de-motivated so far is 1 day.

Type of Feeling: Angry
Last time I got 100% feeling of angry is … not sure. Usually when I told people I feel angry, it is not a serious feeling. In fact, I also not sure either I was angry or not because that kind of feeling only last for 1 minutes. This is because I always afraid of the consequences like I will hurt those people feeling; I need to say sorry to them, I will lose them, etc.
Solution: no need solution coz this kind of feeling only happen once in blue moon.

Type of Feeling: Jealous
Hahaha… I always feel jealous every minutes of my life. Even with the little kid who ate ice cream.
Solution: No solution. It just a normal feeling

Type of Feeling: Boring
When I am dealing with boring people, join boring event and do something boring.
Solution: Be alone

Type of Feeling: Go crazy
Suddenly, I just laugh and smile. Don’t know why, suddenly I feel I want to laugh and smile. Sometime, when go outing with my friend, suddenly I can go crazy but the best thing is, they go crazy together with me. I still remember one incident. That time, got a group of handsome & good looking guy ate next to our table. We make a deal and during the first vote, I am the first person to make a move first. The first time ever in my life I approach a guy. With innocence face, I just bring my meal to their table and sit next to one of them. After say, Hi, I just ate my meal. Those guys look at me weirdly. To make thing more interesting, I ate their meal also and loudly calling for my friend name to join us. At first they refuse to come but then they came and join us. But of course, I am the one who ate so “politely” while the others just quiet and smile to each other.  After finish the meal, I say thank you to that guy group and leaves my friend there to clean all the mess and say sorry to them.
Solution: No solution because that is one of the way to make myself happy

Type of Feeling: Happy
I feel happy everyday. The happiest feeling is when my parent trusts me in every decision that I make for my life.

Type of Feeling: Sad
Real life sad feeling when something bad happens to my families and friends. Ad hoc sad feeling when I watched series, movie or sad news. The saddest moment in my life is when my very best cousin died in 2002. He’s like a soul of families, friends and people around the neighborhood. Everyone take a long time to recover after his dead. That was the saddest moment in my life.
Solution: Spend more time with families and friends. Best motto: Let go and forget

There are some of feelings that I experience. There are many more but don’t know belong to what type. Hahaha…Want to type more, but now, I’m feeling lazy to type. Can I just speak and the keyboard automatically types it for me???

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Who Inspire Me?

Its weekend and I have no plan in my mind. So, while waiting for the plan to pop-up in my mind, so I take this opportunity to update my blog. Remember about the book, Winning by Jack Welch? Congratulation to me because I am successfully reading it up to page 15 of 359 pages. Well, it is a good achievement for me for this month because as I told before, suddenly I become very lazy reading a book. And finally, on 20/1/2011, I got back the interest of reading. Now, my bookshelf will be full of book again (comics, novels, general knowledge, motivation books as well as religious books). While reading Winning I was also listen to radio and the topic of the day is “Who inspire you?”. Then, it give me an idea to update my blog with the same topic. Here are those people that inspire me.

1. My family

This is the main group of people that inspire me the most. They are the one who always there for me and support me. Although sometime, they annoyed me and bring a big headache for me, but they are the person that I am worried most in my life. I admired both my mum and dad. When I have a deep thinking, I always think that it a huge decision for them to getting married and build a family. They experience many sweet and sour in life but they still do their best for their child. Thanks to them to make me such a person I am today. The biggest happiness they gave me is their trust. They believe in me more than my other siblings. Even, when I made any decision in my life, they not even asked me for second option or asked other family members (my siblings, relatives) to view my decision. They believe 100% in me. It is different for my sibling. That’s why sometimes I am the center of jealousy of my sibling. Each time when my parent not agrees with them they always talk back to them saying why it always green light for me. (Well, am the eldest).

2. Tun Mahathir (ex-PM of Malaysia)

What should I say about him? I was grown up during his era. I respect his view and his leadership. I like his out of the box ideas and his effort to make it real. He leads Malaysia for more than 20 yrs and it is a long journey for him to make Malaysia as it is today. He’s my role model. I always dream of meeting him face to face. Just a smile without words will make me happy. Thanks to God, finally I met him and one sentence from him, “Congratulation & Good Luck for your future life”. That time, only one word from me,”Thank You”. When we met? Hahahahha… He’s my University chancellor that time. And during my Convocation in 2009 and luckily our course session was in the morning and he was there to give me the scroll. That is the precious moment in my life. Finally, I met one of the people that’s inspire me.

3. Oprah Winfrey

I started to know her when I was 13 yrs old. That time I was reading an article about her in school library. These articles make me to know more about her. Since that time I was not that IT type of person, so I just find about her through books in the library and articles. She is the reason why I love reading. After I finish my Form 5 and start my University life, I search more about her. She’s inspiring me. Knowing everything about her taught me to love reading, love people and the nature around me, learn how to share love and happiness with others and many things. I dream of being like her one day. Share joy and happiness with others either we know them or not. While watched her program, I always wish that one day I will able to join others in the studio. I cried; laugh together while watching her program. The most memorable scene is when she makes people wish comes true. Not to mention on her surprise to people. I hope I can meet her in person one day. If that dream comes true, first think I would tell her is “Thank You”. Up till now, I am still holding to that dream.

4. Lee Seung Gi (Korean singer, actor, MC)

His name started to be in my list in 2009. That time, like normal drama fan, I watched his drama Brilliant Legacy and I fall in love with this guy. He’s not that handsome but he’s cool. So, like what I do with Oprah, I started to search about him. (I only do searching about people if I really interested in them. Up to now, only he and Oprah make me crazy to search more about them). Then I started to watch his entertainment program. Since in Malaysia, we only can view KBS Channel, so I am the big fan of his 1 Night 2 days program. Why he inspire me? He always does his best in everything he’s doing. He not complains about being tired, respect all people and always be humble. From the info searching about him, everything about him is positive. Plus, he values education and it always his top priority. I admire and jealous of his time management between his career as a celebrity and a student. He knows how to make people love him and always make sure to pay all the love that he received by do his best in everything. I wish I will meet him one day. Love his latest drama “My Girlfriend is Gumiho”. Seung Gi shi..hwaja fighting!! Saranghae. If I was fortunate to meet him, I want to say “Thank You” to him.

5. 1 Night 2 days member (Kang Hodong, Lee Seuguen, Eun Jiwon, Kim Jong Min, Lee Seung Gi & 2 ex-members [MC Mong and Kim C])

This is new member of the list of people that inspire me. They just got into the list in 2010. They teach me the value of friendship and relationship. I wish I could meet all of them. Like Oprah, these members sometimes touch my heart. I love every episode but their latest episode of foreign workers (although it’s not air in Malaysia yet, but through video cut in the internet, am able to watch it). That episode makes me cried together with them. Thanks to the production team for such an idea. Wish them a year of success and prosperity in 2011. If I was fortunate and lucky enough to meet them, I want to say “Thank You”. I learn many things in life by watching this program. Plus this program also makes me feel that I already visit Korea. Korea is one of my dream countries that I would like to visit. But, I just hold these dreams because, each time when I got time to take leave, I prefer to go back to my hometown and being with my family.

What a long update. But, up till today, that is the list of people that inspire me. But, on top of everything, it is I who inspire me so much. Why? This is because everything comes from my love to me. These people are the one who help me to inspire myself so that I will do better.