Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Type of Feeling that I experienced for the past 24 years

While view the picture of my friend in Facebook, I thought about understand my own feeling and how I deal with it. Such a crazy thinking but I love it. At least I know that I have a feeling.

Type of feeling: Useless & Stupid
When I failed to do something and make people disappoint, that is the time I feel so useless and stupid. Beside that, I will feel useless when people not believe my ability to perform. Actually before entering into working life, I never experience this feeling. This feeling start appear in the list 5 months after I started working.
Solution: Sit quietly and think. After a few minutes, I will listen to music and do some random reading in the Internet until I feel better. The longest time for me to experience this feeling is only 1 hour.

Type of feeling: de-motivated
Like feel like useless, this feeling also started when I started working. I feel de-motivated when people not believe in my capability. I will feel de-motivated when people only recognized me during problem (reason: these people need someone to be blamed). I feel even more de-motivated when people not share or inform me any information /knowledge that related to my work. At the end of the day, when problem arise and it involved me, sometime I need to act stupid just to save people image by telling the person who asking me “ maybe they inform me but I take it for granted”… Its too tired to be like a stupid person.
Solution: Sit quietly and think. After a few minutes, I will listen to music and do some random reading in the Internet until I feel better. Then told myself, why I should hurt my feeling because of these people. I should enjoy my life. Maximum time I can be de-motivated so far is 1 day.

Type of Feeling: Angry
Last time I got 100% feeling of angry is … not sure. Usually when I told people I feel angry, it is not a serious feeling. In fact, I also not sure either I was angry or not because that kind of feeling only last for 1 minutes. This is because I always afraid of the consequences like I will hurt those people feeling; I need to say sorry to them, I will lose them, etc.
Solution: no need solution coz this kind of feeling only happen once in blue moon.

Type of Feeling: Jealous
Hahaha… I always feel jealous every minutes of my life. Even with the little kid who ate ice cream.
Solution: No solution. It just a normal feeling

Type of Feeling: Boring
When I am dealing with boring people, join boring event and do something boring.
Solution: Be alone

Type of Feeling: Go crazy
Suddenly, I just laugh and smile. Don’t know why, suddenly I feel I want to laugh and smile. Sometime, when go outing with my friend, suddenly I can go crazy but the best thing is, they go crazy together with me. I still remember one incident. That time, got a group of handsome & good looking guy ate next to our table. We make a deal and during the first vote, I am the first person to make a move first. The first time ever in my life I approach a guy. With innocence face, I just bring my meal to their table and sit next to one of them. After say, Hi, I just ate my meal. Those guys look at me weirdly. To make thing more interesting, I ate their meal also and loudly calling for my friend name to join us. At first they refuse to come but then they came and join us. But of course, I am the one who ate so “politely” while the others just quiet and smile to each other.  After finish the meal, I say thank you to that guy group and leaves my friend there to clean all the mess and say sorry to them.
Solution: No solution because that is one of the way to make myself happy

Type of Feeling: Happy
I feel happy everyday. The happiest feeling is when my parent trusts me in every decision that I make for my life.

Type of Feeling: Sad
Real life sad feeling when something bad happens to my families and friends. Ad hoc sad feeling when I watched series, movie or sad news. The saddest moment in my life is when my very best cousin died in 2002. He’s like a soul of families, friends and people around the neighborhood. Everyone take a long time to recover after his dead. That was the saddest moment in my life.
Solution: Spend more time with families and friends. Best motto: Let go and forget

There are some of feelings that I experience. There are many more but don’t know belong to what type. Hahaha…Want to type more, but now, I’m feeling lazy to type. Can I just speak and the keyboard automatically types it for me???


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Siti,
    I related to this article while reading your entry.

    Well you no it's good you speak your feeling out (at least to your blog), giving it some light is better than letting it fester in the dark. Sometimes I also wanna write but I just couldn't find words. Anyway stay true to it, stay true to yourself..


  3. hi Huyen....

    thanks for the article...Nice one...starting from today, I will not give away my power...

    By the way, i also want to hear about you
