Tuesday, March 18, 2008


today is my third day in UTP after mid semester break.what a busy day[actually it is my own fault...].i haven't touch anything that related to my academic during my holiday[well,holiday is holiday].when I reached UTP on sunday evening, I started to make myself busy because on monday nite i got test.so many thing to do..KMT?SM?ADBS?FYP? all need my attention.i'm very lazy to do it.hehehe..forget about those thing.just wanna share my one week holiday story....

so happy going back home.really miss my home n my mum cooking.when i reached home, i straightly went to the kitchen and search for food.it is around 10pm at nite.i ate a lot because my mum cook my favourite dishes that is "sambal belacan" and "sardin goreng".hehehe.after finish eating, i sat in the living room with my siblings n cousin and we have a chat until 2 am.just a nonsense chat.two cousin stayed with us during this one week school holiday.actually their reason were to stay at my grandma house but actually it is their lovely aunty house.both of them are boy.that mean during the holiday i have 7 brothers instead of 5.it make me n my mum very headache.morning they waste their time in front of TV n PC.afternoon after lunch they slept or sometimes make a stupid joke.evening around 5pm went to football field n went home around 7pm.8.30 pm -10 they had a kompang practise[there will be a wedding ceremony at the nearby area].then 1030 until 12 or 1 am went to either futsal court or badminton court or sepak takraw court.so active but very lazy.they know i was there to help my mum do a cleaning, wash clothes and everything.sometimes i want to kick them but what to do they are my brothers.my youngest sister?no comment.all she know is nagging.bla bla bla...

there are two big hypermarket open in Kuching.before this Kuching only have supermarket.i grab this opportunity to explore these hypermarket since i love window shopping.the Boulevard n the spring.but there only a few no. of shop open since it is new.hahahha.

most of my time i just spent in my home.watch tv n just relax at my home n play around with my siblings n cats.very lazy to walk around since my frenz busy with their lecture.but it is good so i can save my money.hahahaha.

think need to stop first since i must do my work

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